Digital Marketing Salary in Canada
Uncover the average pay rates earned by digital marketers throughout Canada, from entry-level and apprenticeship roles to senior managers, directors and VPs of digital marketing functions with considerable expertise.
$66,350 / Per Year

While numerous influences and variables will impact the salary you expect to offer high-quality job applicants or should anticipate receiving as a digital marketing professional, the average salary across Canada and at all levels of seniority is $66,350 CAD.
The key to understanding and utilizing averages is to recognize that they are purely indicative and might need to be adjusted by factors such as the location of the agency or business, the level of responsibility associated with the job, and the industry the business operates in – more complex and technical fields commend greater skill sets.
In this guide, we’ve extracted pay data and averages from several platforms, advertising sites, and digital marketing channels to collate all the available data and calculate the average digital marketing salary – wherever in Canada you or your business happens to be.
Overview of Average Canada Digital Marketing Salaries
Average digital marketing salaries are equally valuable for applicants, professionals, recruiters and agencies looking to expand their teams or hire digital marketing specialists.
From a recruitment perspective, offering below the average may mean you put off highly skilled applicants who would be perfect for your team – whereas offering too high may mean stretching your staffing budget far beyond that of your competitors.
Likewise, if you’re applying for a job, promotion or transfer, you need to have a good gauge about what salary to expect to ensure you’re entering negotiations with confidence and neither asking for less than you should be earning nor for more than other applicants – leaving you out of the running.
However, as we’ll clarify shortly, it’s always wise to approach averages with an understanding that some elements will drive a salary higher or lower. Staff loyalty is a great example since a workplace is likely to offer a staff member above the standard rate if they have worked for the same business for several years.
It’s also important for job applicants to review salary and remuneration packages as a whole rather than making career decisions based solely on the gross salary offered.
Added perks and non-cash benefits like life and health insurance, paid time off, discounted childcare, bonuses and commissions, workplace pension schemes and employee assistance programs can all be worth considerably more than another role with few benefits but a slightly higher salary.
Entry-Level Digital Marketing Salary in Canada
Canadian junior and entry-level digital marketing jobs pay an average salary of $44,500.
Junior roles, apprenticeships and entry-level positions are designed for applicants without prior workplace experience, including school leavers and inexperienced job candidates. Most entry-level digital marketing jobs provide opportunities to learn, shadow senior colleagues and gain new skills, sometimes including funded formal qualifications or certifications.
Canadian entry-level digital marketing jobs could include:
- Digital Marketing Coordinator: Junior coordinators often start with administrative and support tasks, helping digital marketing teams with research, performance analysis and campaign creation. They might deal with specific tasks, such as tracking social media marketing, or provide general assistance throughout a busy team.
- Junior Digital Marketer: General digital marketing juniors support campaign development and execution and often gain experience either with all the tasks and functions of a digital marketing department or in specific areas such as SEO, database marketing and campaign strategy.
Mid-Level Digital Marketing Salary
Digital marketing jobs in Canada aimed at applicants with moderate experience pay an average salary of $76,031.
Medium-level roles are great for digital marketers who are not yet at the managerial level but have sufficient work experience to take on greater independence and responsibility or project manage areas of a digital marketing team reporting back to the relevant manager. Digital marketers at this level earn an average of $30,000 more than juniors, although they may work their way up the pay scale progressively as they improve their abilities and confidence.
Examples of digital marketing jobs in Canada with a mid-level salary include:
- Senior Digital Marketer: Senior marketers work autonomously, usually reporting to managers and supervisors. They contribute to digital marketing strategy, manage client communications, and submit ideas and suggestions for new campaigns and strategy updates.
- Digital Marketing Specialist: A specialist usually has a niche area of expertise, such as data and campaign analytics, trend and market research, social media or content marketing campaign execution, or content optimization.
Senior Digital Marketing Salary
Digital marketing jobs in Canada for senior professionals pay an average of $98,493.
Senior digital marketers command a further salary uplift, with an average pay rate roughly $20,000 higher than mid-level colleagues. At this stage, digital marketers can apply for managerial and supervisory posts, take on greater decision-making and oversight of campaigns, and report back to boards, directors, and often the Head of Digital Marketing.
In Canada, roles with a senior-level salary could include:
- Senior Digital Marketing Manager: This management role involves developing and implementing integrated digital marketing strategies and communication plans, providing leadership for the digital marketing team, and helping with recruitment and training for more junior colleagues.
- Digital Marketing Strategist: Strategists bring technical skills to a digital marketing team and focus on in-depth, data-driven, and high-level research of markets, trends, competitors, sectors, and industries to inform digital marketing strategies. They often work closely with managerial teams.
VP or Director Level Digital Marketing Salary
Directorship and board positions within digital marketing pay an average salary of $142,848 in Canada.
Directors and board-level executives have ultimate control, leadership, and decision-making about an organization’s digital marketing activities. They usually work within larger, established corporations or for mature digital marketing agencies with strong market share. These roles are often linked with partial company ownership or weighted voting at stakeholder meetings.
Experienced VPs and directors working in digital marketing in Canada include the following positions:
- VP of Digital Marketing: VPs are among the most senior colleagues in a digital marketing team or agency. They often focus on fostering a culture of consistency and high performance, driving the team forward in innovation, quality outcomes and results.
- Digital Marketing Director: Directors commonly earn higher salaries with performance-related or profit-share bonuses. They lead the entirety of the marketing function, oversee all types of content creation, and steer plans and strategy to ensure outcomes reflect brand values and targets.
Factors That Impact Digital Marketing Salaries and Remuneration Packages in Canada
The average digital marketing salaries show a baseline standard salary for a wide range of roles throughout Canada. They include metrics for every major city, province, agency, freelancers and in-house employees, new recruits, and long-standing team members. Therefore, they provide a broad-stroke outline of what you might expect to offer or earn in a particular post.
Considering the variables that will have the greatest impact on average salaries and how these differ will help you establish whether your salary should be towards the top or bottom of the average scale and provide a steer as to whether you should expect a below-average or above-average wage.
Digital marketing salaries vary between regions and provinces, as do all professions and sectors. They are influenced by factors like the cost of living, the number of competitors or businesses in a city, and the availability of high-caliber job applicants.
As a guide, the highest average salaries tend to be in Quebec, followed by Ontario and Alberta. Regions like British Columbia, Manitoba and Nova Scotia pay slightly less than the national average, although digital marketers working in the larger cities earn more than their counterparts further out.
Professional Experience
Digital marketers with years of experience will naturally earn more than their less experienced counterparts. However, the earnings gap between workers with two and three years of workplace experience is among the smallest.
The more senior the role and the greater the level of responsibility, the bigger the distance between the highest earners, with a solid track record and those new to the world of digital marketing—roles with a salary of $150,000 or more can pay as much as 50% lower for candidates with less experience.
Qualifications and Accreditations
Most digital marketing jobs don’t require essential qualifications for applicants to be eligible—although this doesn’t always apply to more senior positions or technical digital marketing vacancies. Digital marketers working in more complex sectors, such as software services, education, and finance, are more likely to require a formal qualification or at least a degree to apply.
Higher-level accreditations can also mean digital marketers in top-level management, strategic, and growth-orientated jobs earn more, even if they are fulfilling the same job specification because they appear to be more desirable candidates given their proven credentials.
Nature of Employment
The type of role and the structure of the job will all influence the average salary, whether you are working as an independent freelancer, within an in-house digital marketing team, or as part of a digital marketing department.
It’s also common for some higher-demand roles to be the best paid, especially within digital marketing agencies, which rely on strategists, analysts, copywriters, content creators, campaign managers, and client liaison professionals to represent their brand as the first point of contact.
Organization Size
Inevitably, a bigger company, agency, or organization will usually have a larger staffing budget and can afford to invest higher salaries in the most capable, talented, and skilled candidates. Most will also have greater perks, such as workplace pension schemes, paid time off, and generous insurance packages.
The contrast may be where smaller start-ups offer non-remuneration bonuses, such as stock options or equity shares, which can become significantly more valuable than a much higher salary in the long run if the business succeeds.
Digital Marketing Salary Canada – FAQs
How Does Digital Marketing Jobs Estimate the Average Digital Marketing Salary in Canada?
We’ve used salary data, averages and metrics from multiple well-regarded websites, databases and employment bodies to determine the average digital marketing salary for each type of job based on experience and the general salary ranges offered.
These include references to our own jobs board, alongside sources like Indeed, Talent, PayScale, and Glassdoor, to ensure the averages are a fair representation of averages across the board.
What Qualifications Do I Need to Apply for a Junior Digital Marketing Position in Canada?
While every business and recruiter is different and may have minimum educational or qualification requirements for any role, most don’t expect junior or entry-level candidates to have any specific certifications—perhaps a diploma or equivalent.
The exception is usually in sectors and industries such as pharmaceuticals, legal, and financial services, where every team member, even those working in creative or content marketing roles, must meet eligibility requirements or have some education that evidences their proficiency in mathematics and written and spoken English.
How Can I Gauge the Salary to Offer for a Digital Marketing Job Vacancy in Canada?
The complexity of deciding how to pitch a digital marketing job ad to attract the best possible candidates without putting off those who might be a little more skilled or deterring more junior applicants who perceive the job as outside of their range is exactly why we have created our digital marketing salary guides.
There are so many factors that will influence the right salary to offer, not least what your competitors are offering and the salary you’d need to pay to secure the top candidates.
Our advice is to review the averages above, consider the list of factors influencing the averages, and search our job board for digital marketing jobs in Canada, which can help compare locally advertised salaries and pitch your job listing just right.